Questions & Answers Practice Booklet
Over 50 Questions & Answers, Includes Detailed Answers and Explanations for
Clinical Reviewers and Chart Reviewers for Quality Measures.
This practice booklet will help prep healthcare professionals that want to learn or master chart abstraction and medical record review (MRR) for hybrid quality measures used by more than 90% of health plans.
MRR: 2021 Q&A has over 50 questions and Answers filled with critical thinking scenarios, analytic rationales and step by step examples so you may easily grasped the quality measures concepts for chart review.
This comprehension study guides includes practice questions and detailed answer explanations in order to make the principles and reasoning crystal clear. We have provided hundreds of health professionals training to achieve their next steps in their employment, education and career goals.
Medical Record Review (MRR): 2021 practice booklet is the ideal prep solution for anyone who wants to obtain a job as a Clinical Reviewer, Medical Record Reviewer, Chart Chaser and/or Chart Abstractor for quality measures outlined by NCQA.
It's an excellent investment in your future. Purchase Medical Record Review: 2021 Q & A, Today!